MuSiKa audio guide | MSK Gent
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MuSika audio guide

always available
selfguided tour
Shalan Ehsan59

MuSiKa is a unique long-term project between MSK and music center De Centrale. Violinist Shalan Alhamwy and tar and setar player Ehsan Yadollahi created their own musical interpretation of ten works from our collection.

Shalam and Ehsan selected ten diverse works from all periods of history, from Bosch to Magritte. How do you translate artworks into music? The musicians did not follow a single approach. Sometimes works were literally interpreted based on the emotions they convey. Other works took on a personal perspective, as they related the stories behind the artwork to their own experiences and past. Explore the collection pieces with their accompanying musical translations in this in-depth audio tour. With each stop the musicians shortly explain their personal perspective and interpretation as an introduction to the piece that follows.

The guide is available in English, Dutch and French. The use of the audio guide is included with a museum ticket.

Apart from the musical stops, the audio guide also includes art historical information to the entire museum collection, LGBTQ+ stories, the contemporary voices of our youth crew Schoonvolk, and audio descriptions for the blind and visually impaired. There's also a separate audio guide for kids.