objections | MSK Gent
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Blanca Callén, Soledad Gutiérrez & Laurence Rassel

18.02 – 18.05.17

2017 Objections 50

How can we give neglected objects a new life? How can we interact differently with the things that surround us? What power and resistance lie in objects? Blanca Callén (researcher), Soledad Gutiérrez and Laurence Rassel (curators) explore the (re)valuation of objects. And at the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK), we gave discarded objects a new life, through creative writing workshops, packing sessions and auctions. In collaboration with Manoeuvre, ONBETAALBAAR and Anneleen Van Offel, their project travelled from Barcelona to Ghent.

Open studios from 18.02 to 14.05
To explore the possible lives of things, visitors were invited to write a new story for a discarded object. The museum was thus highlighted as a place of care, recovery and transformation of forgotten objects and stories. 'Objections' used imagination and design to question our everyday disposable economies.

Summer exhibition: 03.06–27.08.2017

'Objections' was developed at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies (Barcelona) and presented during the summer exhibition 'Manufactories of Caring Space-Time' by multidisciplinary artists Patricia Esquivias (Spain), Grace Ndiritu (Kenya/United Kingdom) and Oriol/Vilanova (Spain) and Manoeuvre (Ghent).

Protocols for the future

Each of the three projects that continued under 'Manufactories' was translated into a concrete manual or protocol. This allows each organisation to work on its own with the lessons learned by MSK and its partners in the course of two years of experimentation.