Stringent screening
Green Key is an international sustainability label for accommodation, conference and event venues, tourist attractions and restaurants. It is a programme of the Foundation For Environmental Education (FEE) and is coordinated in Flanders by GoodPlanet Belgium with the support of Visit Flanders.
Green Key candidates must meet more than 100 sustainability criteria on topics such as energy, water, waste, education of visitors and staff, cleaning, food and drink.... Label holders commit themselves, among other things, to keeping their ecological footprint low thanks to energy and water-saving measures, opting for local, organic and/or vegetarian catering in their activities, avoiding disposable packaging and cleaning with ecological products.
International recognition
Green Key is the first quality label promoting sustainable travel, business meetings and leisure. It's used on five continents and in 60 countries, from Belgium to South Africa. More than 3,600 venues have received the label. In Belgium, the Belvue Museum and the Migration Museum in Brussels had already achieved it.
The MSK is the first Green Key museum in Flanders. Our hotel partners also have this label. This is an important recognition of the museum's efforts around environmental and social sustainability, using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a touchstone and the VCDO charter as a guide.
More information on the label can be found at Visit Gent and on the official Green Key website.
The VCDO charter
In 2020, the MSK became the first museum to subscribe to the VOKA Charter for Sustainable Enterprise (VCDO). Through a concrete action plan, the museum aims to reduce its ecological footprint and inspire the public towards a sustainable society.