Corporate support | MSK Gent
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Corporate support

You can also support MSK with your organisation. We're always looking for partners with a big heart for art, both for the museum's various projects and for our day-to-day operations.

Mutual support

Similar to private patronage, you can also support the museum as a partner or sponsor. This can take the form of a financial contribution, material support or the sharing of expertise. You can also become a partner by organising activities in the museum on a regular basis, which entitles you to special rates.

A partnership with MSK can help strengthen your image and give your organisation extra visibility, while helping us enormously to achieve our mission.

On this page, you can find the benefits for each of the standard formulas. Be sure to contact the corporate team for a tailor-made cooperation agreement!

Sponsor (from €500)

  • Free personalised entry pass
  • Invitation to openings
  • Free tickets to the permanent collection (in proportion to support provided)
  • Discount on all activities and products
  • Mention in museum newspaper, website, annual report and brochures for partners
  • Mention in the museum
  • Loyalty benefits for long-term partnerships
  • Subscription to the museum newspaper
  • Subscription to the general newsletter
  • Targeted mailing/brochures
  • Information on new museum ambitions and results achieved

Project partner (from €1500)

All the benefits of a Sponsor, plus one or more of the following benefits in proportion to the amount sponsored or the service provided:

  • Annual festive meeting and/or team building
  • Free use of auditorium once a year
  • Discount on auditorium hire
  • Mention on exhibition leaflets and/or in publications
  • Mention on the digital information screens

Structural partner (from €10,000)

All the benefits of a Project Partner, plus:

  • Annual free event for 120 invited guests (excluding catering)
  • Possibility to have promotional gifts personalised
  • Annual guided tour with a curator and/or a look behind the scenes