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Saint Paul Preaching in Athens, 1679

  • burin engraving, paper
  • 321 x 225 mm
  • Inv. 2015-BJ

Public Domain

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Cornelis II Bloemaert RKD
Utrecht 1603 - Rome 1692
engravers (printmakers)AAT

Ciro Ferri RKD
Rome 1633 - Rome 1689

Title Saint Paul Preaching in Athens
Date 1679
Period 17th century
Location Rome TGN
Medium and support burin engraving AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings printed inscription outside the depiction, bottom left: Cyrus Ferrus delin.
printed inscription bottom right, outside the depiction: C. Bloemaert sculp: Romæ 1679
printed inscription outside the depiction, below: Quidam irridebant / Quidam crediderunt / Act: 17
Collection print room
Object type burin engraving AAT
reproductive prints AAT
Inventory number 2015-BJ
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300189808 figures (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11H saints Iconclass
11H(PAUL) the apostle Paul of Tarsus; possible attributes: book, scroll, sword Iconclass
11Q733 preaching (in general) Iconclass
22C light Iconclass
22C3 supernatural light Iconclass
31A25331 pointing to the forehead with the index finger Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31D14 adult man Iconclass
48(+431) art (+ copy, copying ~ work of art) Iconclass
48C1431 fantastic architecture, unrealistic architectural fantasies Iconclass
49C3 scholar, philosopher Iconclass
61E(ATHENS) names of cities and villages (ATHENS) Iconclass
73 New Testament Iconclass
73F22335 Paul in Athens: on the Areopagus he discusses with philosophers (in front of the temple of Mars) Iconclass
92B4 (story of) Mars (Ares) Iconclass
School / Style Baroque AAT
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