The Massacre of the Innocents, from the series Vita,… | MSK Gent
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The Massacre of the Innocents, from the series Vita, passio et Resvrrectio Iesv Christi, ca. 1598 - 1618

  • burin engraving, paper
  • 181 x 220 mm
  • Inv. 2014-LZ-7

Public Domain

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Mothers try to protect their children from Herod's soldiers. They have been ordered to kill all boys two years old and younger in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16). The print has a Latin caption; it is part of a series on the life of Christ.


Adriaen Collaert RKD
Antwerp ca. 1555 - 1560 - Antwerp 1618
engravers (printmakers)AAT

Maerten de Vos RKD Wikidata
Antwerp 1532 - Antwerp 1603

Joannes Galle RKD
Antwerp 1600 - Antwerp 1676

Title The Massacre of the Innocents, from the series Vita, passio et Resvrrectio Iesv Christi
Date ca. 1598 - 1618
Period 16th century
17th century
Location Antwerp TGN
Medium and support burin engraving AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings printed inscription outside the depiction, centre below: Tunc Herodes videns quoniam illusus esset a magis, iratus ets valde; et mittens occidit omnes pueros qui erant in Bethleem, et in omnibus finibus eius
printed inscription bottom right, outside the depiction: Matth.2.
printed inscription outside the depiction, bottom left: 9.
printed inscription outside the depiction, left middle: M. de Vos inventor.
printed inscription outside the depiction, centre below: Adrian. Collaert sculp.
printed inscription bottom right, outside the depiction: Ioan Galle excud.
Collection print room
Object type burin engraving AAT
Inventory number 2014-LZ-7
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300189808 figures (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11I72(HEROD) Herod (not in biblical context) Iconclass
25H2 landscapes with waters, waterscapes, seascapes (in the temperate zone) Iconclass
25H213 river Iconclass
25I2 village Iconclass
25I22 prospect of village, silhouette of village Iconclass
31A the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31AA the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) - AA - female human figure Iconclass
31D111 infant, baby ~ the ages of man Iconclass
31D1111 male infant Iconclass
31D13 adolescent, young woman, maiden Iconclass
42A30 motherhood Iconclass
42B12 mother-love Iconclass
42G2112 mother (first degree family relationships) Iconclass
42G2121 son (first degree family relationships) Iconclass
45B the soldier; the soldier's life Iconclass
45C13(SWORD) hacking and thrusting weapons: sword Iconclass
46C112 bridge Iconclass
46C131 riding a horse, ass, or mule; rider, horseman Iconclass
46C13141 horse Iconclass
48(+431) art (+ copy, copying ~ work of art) Iconclass
61E(BETHLEHEM) names of cities and villages (BETHLEHEM) Iconclass
73 New Testament Iconclass
73B63 the massacre of the innocents Iconclass
73B632 soldiers entering Bethlehem ~ massacre of the innocents Iconclass
73B633 the massacre ot the innocents; sometimes Herod looking on Iconclass
School / Style Renaissance AAT
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