The Healing of Naaman, from the series Toneel ofte… | MSK Gent
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The Healing of Naaman, from the series Toneel ofte vertooch der Bybelsche historien, 1659

  • burin engraving, paper
  • 67 x 101 mm
  • Inv. 2014-FR

Public Domain

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Naaman was the commander of the Aramean army and suffered from dermatitis. The prophet Elisha advised him to bathe seven times in the Jordan River to cure his illness. On the bank are soldiers from his retinue.


Pieter Hendriksz. Schut RKD
Amsterdam ca. 1660 - 1680
engravers (printmakers)AAT

Nicolaes I Visscher
Amsterdam 1618 - Amsterdam 1679

Nicolaes II Visscher RKD
Amsterdam 1618 - Amsterdam 1709

Title The Healing of Naaman, from the series Toneel ofte vertooch der Bybelsche historien
Date 1659
Period 17th century
Location Amsterdam TGN
Medium and support burin engraving AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings printed inscription in the depiction, at the bottom right: 119
printed inscription outside the depiction, centre below: Naaman van Sijrien (Melaets sijnde) wast hem nae t' bevel des Propheets en wert ge/sont
printed inscription outside the depiction, centre below: 2. Regum 5.14.
inscription reverse, centre: 1
Collection print room
Object type burin engraving AAT
Inventory number 2014-FR
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300189808 figures (representations) AAT
25H landscapes Iconclass
Keywords Iconclass 21D water (one of the four elements) Iconclass
25G3 trees Iconclass
25H114 low hill country Iconclass
25H2 landscapes with waters, waterscapes, seascapes (in the temperate zone) Iconclass
25H213 river Iconclass
25I5 landscape with tower or castle Iconclass
31A4622 leprosy Iconclass
31AA4622 leprosy - AA - epidemic diseases Iconclass
45D313 private soldier Iconclass
46C13141 horse Iconclass
46C1531 passenger carriage Iconclass
61D(RIVER JORDAN) geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (names of cities and villages excepted) (RIVER JORDAN) Iconclass
71 Old Testament Iconclass
71N16 Naaman's leprosy (2 Kings 5) Iconclass
71N162 Naaman comes to the Jordan, dips himself seven times and is cured Iconclass
School / Style Baroque AAT
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