The Initiation of Love | MSK Gent
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The Initiation of Love, 1887

  • photoaquatints (prints), paper
  • 247 x 163 mm
  • Inv. 2011-DS

Public Domain

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This etching served as the frontispiece for Joséphin Péladan's novel L'Initiation sentimentale (Paris, Edinger, 1887). The sentence 'Diaboli virtus in lumbis est', sometimes attributed to Augustine of Hippo (Saint Augustine), actually comes from a letter by Hieronymus of Stridon (Saint Hieronymus); Epistulae, 22,11 - Ad Eustochium - De virginitate servanda.


Félicien Rops RKD VIAF Wikidata
Namur 1833 - Corbeil-Essonnes 1898

Title The Initiation of Love
Date 1887
Period 19th century
Medium and support photoaquatints (prints) AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) outside the depiction, centre below: Félicien Rops
signatures (names) in the depiction, top left: Fély Rops
inscription in the representation, bottom left: DIABOLI / VIRTUS
inscription in the depiction, bottom centre: IN LOMBIS / (St. Augustin.)
Collection print room
Object type photoaquatints (prints) AAT
Inventory number 2011-DS
Acquisition credit gift
The Friends of the Museum
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300189808 figures (representations) AAT
300055865 symbolism (artistic concept) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11K2 devils in the form of (fabulous) animals Iconclass
25F711 insects Iconclass
25G3 trees Iconclass
31A21 (human) skeleton Iconclass
31A211 (human) skull Iconclass
31A221 head (human) Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31AA the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) - AA - female human figure Iconclass
31D120 Youth, Adolescence, 'Iuventus'; 'Adolescenza', 'Gioventu' (Ripa) Iconclass
31D13 adolescent, young woman, maiden Iconclass
42C1 initiation usages for young men Iconclass
42C2 initiation usages for young women Iconclass
49L8 inscription Iconclass
School / Style realism (artistic form of expression) AAT
Symbolism (artistic concept) AAT
L' oeuvre gravé et lithographié de Félicien Rops : Tome premier: Catalogue de l'oeuvre lithographié ; Tome second: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé. Première Partie: Études et compositions ; Tome Troisième: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé. Deuxième Partie: Frontispices et illustrations. Troisième Partie: Menus, lettrines, marques et invitations. Quatrième Partie: Planches d'essais ; Tome quatrième: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé. Cinquième Partie: Planches libres. Catalogues des Reproductions: Table Alphabétique des Planches Décrites / Maurice Exsteens. - Paris : Éditions Pellet, 1928 (vol. II, nr. 516)
Félicien Rops : Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre gravé et lithographié ; Tome I. Les lithographies ; Tome II - III: Les eaux-fortes / Eugène Rouir. - Bruxelles : Claude Van Loock, 1987-1992 (vol. II, p. 36 en 37 (ill.) 45)
onder vrienden : 225 jaar verzamelaars rond het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent (tentoonstelling Gent, Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 25.11.2023 - 28.04.2024) / Johan De Smet, Frederica Van Dam, Willy Van der Gucht, Manfred Sellink. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2023 ; Gent : De Vrienden van het Museum, 2023 (p. 155, cat. 150 (ill.))
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