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Hercules and Omphale, in: Album contenant des souvenirs offert par l’Amitié à P.J. Goetghebuer, architecte, professeur de l’Académie de Peinture, Sculpture & Architecture de la Ville de Gand

  • black ink, paper
  • 216 x 146 mm
  • Inv. 2009-K-9

Public Domain

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François-Joseph Navez RKD VIAF Wikidata
Charleroi 1787 - Brussels 1869
draftsmen (artists)AAT

Title Hercules and Omphale, in: Album contenant des souvenirs offert par l’Amitié à P.J. Goetghebuer, architecte, professeur de l’Académie de Peinture, Sculpture & Architecture de la Ville de Gand
Period 19th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) bottom right: Navez, de Charleroy.
Collection print room
Object type ink drawing
Inventory number 2009-K-9
Acquisition credit long-term loan
Goetghebeur, Nicole
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300417629 mythologies (religious concept) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 22C light Iconclass
22C8 shadow Iconclass
31A235 sitting figure Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31AA235 sitting figure - AA - female human figure Iconclass
41A422 hangings and drapery Iconclass
48C145 architectural settings in paintings, sculptures, etc. Iconclass
92 gods ~ classical mythology Iconclass
92D1 (story of) Cupid, Amor (Eros) Iconclass
94L (story of) Hercules (Heracles) Iconclass
94L24 Hercules in love with Omphale; the hero is set to spin wool or to do other women's work among the servants, while Omphale wears his lion's skin and wields his club and bow Iconclass
School / Style Neoclassical AAT
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