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Skeletons Trying to Warm Themselves, Warmth Seeking Skeletons, 1895

  • etching, paper
  • 116 x 76 mm
  • Inv. 1998-B-98

Public Domain

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The motif of the living skeleton has been a symbol of death since the Middle Ages. Ensor repeatedly used this representation in his paintings and drawings. In his graphic oeuvre the skeleton motif is predominant in prints such as Skeletons Warming Themselves and Death Pursuing the Human Flock (inv. 1998-B-104).


James Ensor RKD VIAF Wikidata
Ostend 1860 - Ostend 1949

Title Skeletons Trying to Warm Themselves, Warmth Seeking Skeletons
Date 1895
Period 19th century
Medium and support etching AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signature and year bottom right: J. Ensor / 95
title at the top: Squelettes voulant se chauffer
inscription on the reverse: AT / AT
Collection print room
Object type etching AAT
Inventory number 1998-B-98
Acquisition credit purchase
Taevernier, Auguste (coll.)
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300056485 fantastic art AAT
300124520 interior views AAT
Keywords Iconclass 31A21 (human) skeleton Iconclass
31F26 Death as skeleton Iconclass
41A2 interior of the house Iconclass
41B2 hearth and stove Iconclass
41B22 heating stove Iconclass
52A4 Imagination; 'Imaginatione' (Ripa) Iconclass
52A44 Fantasy, Caprice; 'Capriccio' (Ripa) Iconclass
School / Style phantasy
satire (artistic device) AAT
Symbolism (artistic concept) AAT
Henri Leys, Henri de Braekeleer, James Ensor / Loys Delteil. - Paris : Chez l'Auteur, 1925 (nr. 98)
James Ensor : Catalogue illustré de ses gravures ; Leur description critique et l'inventaire des plaques = Geïllustreerde catalogus van zijn gravures ; Hun kritische beschrijving en inventaris van de platen = Illustrated catalogue of his engravings ; Their critical description and inventary of the plates / Auguste Taevernier. - Ledeberg (Gent) : Erasmus Boekhandel bv Amsterdam, 1973 (nr. 98)
James Ensor : Tekeningen en prenten / Robert Hoozee, Sabine Bown-Taevernier, Jan Frederik Heijbroek. - Antwerpen : Mercatorfonds, 1987 (p. 131-136)
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