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Wizards in a Squall, 1888

  • etching, heightened, paper
  • 179 x 238 mm
  • Inv. 1998-B-52

Public Domain

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The print "Wizards in a Squall" is one of the highlights of Ensor's fantastical imagery. In a flying storm, a huge, strange witch gives birth to monstrous naked witches in quick succession. In a certain sense the etching can be seen as the sequel to the print "The Infernal Cortege", in which Ensor depicted similar witches in a parade (inv. 1998-B-10).


James Ensor RKD VIAF Wikidata
Ostend 1860 - Ostend 1949

Title Wizards in a Squall
Date 1888
Period 19th century
Medium and support etching AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) bottom right: Ensor
signature and year bottom right: James Ensor 1888.
Collection print room
Object type etching AAT
Inventory number 1998-B-52
Acquisition credit purchase
Taevernier, Auguste (coll.)
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300056485 fantastic art AAT
300015636 landscapes AAT
Keywords Iconclass 13B witchcraft, sorcery Iconclass
13B1 witch, sorceress Iconclass
13B3 witches' sabbath, i.e. ceremonial gathering of witches and/or sorcerers Iconclass
13B3131 flying on broomstick, pitchfork, trident ~ witches' sabbath Iconclass
24A sun as celestial body Iconclass
24F firmament, sky Iconclass
25F9 mis-shapen animals; monsters Iconclass
26A clouds Iconclass
26C winds Iconclass
26C3 storm Iconclass
31A27412 throwing down something Iconclass
31A62 defecation Iconclass
31A621 flatulence Iconclass
52A4 Imagination; 'Imaginatione' (Ripa) Iconclass
52A44 Fantasy, Caprice; 'Capriccio' (Ripa) Iconclass
School / Style phantasy
satire (artistic device) AAT
James Ensor : Catalogue illustré de ses gravures ; Leur description critique et l'inventaire des plaques = Geïllustreerde catalogus van zijn gravures ; Hun kritische beschrijving en inventaris van de platen = Illustrated catalogue of his engravings ; Their critical description and inventary of the plates / Auguste Taevernier. - Ledeberg (Gent) : Erasmus Boekhandel bv Amsterdam, 1973 (nr. 52)
James Ensor : Schrecken ohne Ende (Ausstellung Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum, 12. Oktober 2008 - 8. februar 2009) / Gerhard Finckh, Joachim Heusinger von Waldegg, Herwig Todts, Norbert Hostyn. - Wuppertal : Von der Heydt-Museum, 2008
The Power of the Avant-Garde : Now and Then (exhibition Brussels, BOZAR, 29.09.2016 - 22.01.2017 ; Krakow, National Museum, 09.03 - 28.05.2017) / Ulrich Bischoff, Katarina Lozo, Javier Arnaldo, Kurt De Boodt, Paul Dujardin. - Tielt : Lannoo Publishers, 2016 (p. 65, cat. 013)
onder vrienden : 225 jaar verzamelaars rond het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent (tentoonstelling Gent, Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 25.11.2023 - 28.04.2024) / Johan De Smet, Frederica Van Dam, Willy Van der Gucht, Manfred Sellink. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2023 ; Gent : De Vrienden van het Museum, 2023 (p. 43, cat. 49 (ill.))
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