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Donkey by Moonlight

  • oil paint, canvas
  • 70 x 55.5 cm
  • Inv. 1969-AS

Public Domain

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Arie Van de Giessen RKD VIAF Wikidata
Ghent 1896 - Grimbergen 1950
painters (artists)AAT

Title Donkey by Moonlight
Period 20th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) bottom right: Arie van de Giessen
Collection paintings AAT
Object type oil paintings (visual works) AAT
Inventory number 1969-AS
Acquisition credit long-term loan
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300015636 landscapes AAT
300263554 animal paintings AAT
Keywords Iconclass 24B moon as celestial body Iconclass
24B6 moonlight Iconclass
25F animals Iconclass
25F2 mammals Iconclass
25G3 trees Iconclass
300015636 landscapes AAT
46C13142 ass, donkey Iconclass
School / Style Expressionist (style) AAT
Modernist AAT
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent : Catalogus schilderkunst ; Deel I: 14de - 18de eeuw ; Deel II: 19de - 20ste eeuw / Robert Hoozee, Johan De Smet, Bruno Fornari, Ruth Monteyne. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2007 (dl. II, p. 337 (ill.))
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