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The Crypt of the San Martino ai Monti Basilica in Rome, ca. 1806

  • oil paint, canvas
  • 120 x 156.4 cm
  • Inv. 1951-A

Public Domain

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While in Rome, Josse Sébastien Van den Abeele made the acquaintance of the French painter François Marius Granet from Provence. At that time painters were in the habit of exchanging their work as a sign of friendship. This view of the crypt of a Romanesque church displays many of the features of Granet’s style, such as the depiction of sombre light and the decay and dampness of the old walls. It is still not certain whether this a work by Van den Abeele influenced by the French artist, or a canvas Granet gave to his friend from Ghent.


François-Marius Granet RKD
Aix-en-Provence 1775 - Aix-en-Provence 1849
attributed to

Title The Crypt of the San Martino ai Monti Basilica in Rome
Date ca. 1806
Period 19th century
Location Italy TGN
Collection paintings AAT
Object type oil paintings (visual works) AAT
Inventory number 1951-A
Acquisition credit gift
The Friends of the Museum
Current whereabouts Work on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300124520 interior views AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11Q64 veneration of (statues of) saints, e.g. burning candles Iconclass
11Q713 interior of church Iconclass
11Q7131(CRYPT) parts of church interior: crypt Iconclass
11Q7141 altars (religious fixtures) Iconclass
11Q71424 candlesticks and candles, e.g. Easter-candlestick Iconclass
11Q71443 ciborium Iconclass
22C light Iconclass
22C1 natural light Iconclass
22C2 artificial light Iconclass
22C8 shadow Iconclass
25F713(+4712) spiders (+ animals nesting; making nests, lodges, webs, etc.) Iconclass
41A3321 closed window Iconclass
41A34 staircase Iconclass
41B31 candle Iconclass
41B313 candlestick Iconclass
42E3 grave, tomb and other grave-forms and grave-markers Iconclass
42E31 grave, tomb Iconclass
48C141 representation of real building (either existing or having existed) Iconclass
48C24(+32) piece of sculpture, reproduction of a piece of sculpture (+ sculpture) Iconclass
48C5142 picture within picture Iconclass
61D(ITALY) geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (names of cities and villages excepted) (ITALY) Iconclass
61E(ROME) names of cities and villages (ROME) Iconclass
61F(SAN MARTINO AI MONTI) names of historical buildings, sites, streets, etc. (SAN MARTINO AI MONTI) Iconclass
92D1916 cupids: 'amores', 'amoretti', 'putti' Iconclass
School / Style Neoclassical AAT
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent : Catalogus schilderkunst ; Deel I: 14de - 18de eeuw ; Deel II: 19de - 20ste eeuw / Robert Hoozee, Johan De Smet, Bruno Fornari, Ruth Monteyne. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2007 (dl. II, p. 45 (ill.))
onder vrienden : 225 jaar verzamelaars rond het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent (tentoonstelling Gent, Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 25.11.2023 - 28.04.2024) / Johan De Smet, Frederica Van Dam, Willy Van der Gucht, Manfred Sellink. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2023 ; Gent : De Vrienden van het Museum, 2023 (p. 3, cat. 3 (ill.))
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