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Satan Sowing Rye-Grass; from the series Les Sataniques, 1906

  • photoaquatints (prints), paper
  • 304 x 208 mm
  • Inv. 1942-N

Public Domain

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The reproduction in colour after the drawing by Félicien Rops was made in 1906 by Albert Emmanuel Bertrand. The print was printed on 112 copies of which 2 were so-called 'aux remarques' (with remarks) and published by G. Pellet in Paris.


Félicien Rops RKD VIAF Wikidata
Namur 1833 - Corbeil-Essonnes 1898

Albert Emmanuel Bertrand RKD
Paris 1854 - Paris 1912

G. Pellet
printers (people)AAT

Charles De Vos

Title Satan Sowing Rye-Grass; from the series Les Sataniques
Date 1906
Period 20th century
Location Paris TGN
Brussels TGN
Medium and support photoaquatints (prints) AAT
Collection print room
Object type photoaquatints (prints) AAT
reproductive prints AAT
Inventory number 1942-N
Acquisition credit gift
Hulin de Loo, Georges Charles Nicolas Marie
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300056485 fantastic art AAT
300015636 landscapes AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11K devil(s) and demons Iconclass
11K(SATAN) devil(s) and demons: Satan Iconclass
11K1 human-shaped devil Iconclass
11K4 activities of devil(s) Iconclass
25G4(GRASS) plants and herbs (GRASS) Iconclass
31F27 Death as devilish being Iconclass
47I111 cereal, grain, corn (grass with grains, grown for food, e.g.: wheat, rice, rye, oats, maize, buckwheat, millet) Iconclass
47I131 sowing Iconclass
48(+431) art (+ copy, copying ~ work of art) Iconclass
School / Style Symbolism (artistic concept) AAT
L' oeuvre gravé et lithographié de Félicien Rops : Tome premier: Catalogue de l'oeuvre lithographié ; Tome second: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé. Première Partie: Études et compositions ; Tome Troisième: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé. Deuxième Partie: Frontispices et illustrations. Troisième Partie: Menus, lettrines, marques et invitations. Quatrième Partie: Planches d'essais ; Tome quatrième: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé. Cinquième Partie: Planches libres. Catalogues des Reproductions: Table Alphabétique des Planches Décrites / Maurice Exsteens. - Paris : Éditions Pellet, 1928 (dl. IV, nr. 864)
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