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Placing the Dragon atop the Ghent Belfry, 1914

  • etching, paper
  • 370 x 230 mm
  • Inv. 1932-AU

Public Domain

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Jules De Bruycker RKD VIAF Wikidata
Ghent 1870 - Ghent 1945

Title Placing the Dragon atop the Ghent Belfry
Date 1914
Period 20th century
Location Ghent TGN
Medium and support etching AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings year: 1914
Collection print room
Object type etching AAT
Inventory number 1932-AU
Acquisition credit gift
Singelijn-Buydens (coll.)
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300015571 cityscapes (representations) AAT
300056485 fantastic art AAT
Keywords Iconclass 25FF411 dragon Iconclass
25I city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions Iconclass
25I12 prospect of city, town panorama, silhouette of city Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
46A17 working class, labourers Iconclass
47C242 vertical transport, hoisting (industrial processes) Iconclass
47G41 scaffold (~ building activities) Iconclass
61E(GHENT) names of cities and villages (GHENT) Iconclass
61F(BELFRY) names of historical buildings, sites, streets, etc. (BELFRY) Iconclass
School / Style phantasy
Catalogus van het Museum van Schoone Kunsten Gent : II: Moderne Meesters / Georges Chabot, Fritz Van Loo. - Gent : Ad. Hoste, 1932 (p. 165)
Wandelgids : MSK in Gent / Sofie Corneillie, Bart Ooghe, Cathérine Verleysen, Lieven Gerard, Lies Ledure, Veerle Verhasselt. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2022 (p. 37)
Walking guide : MSK in Ghent / Sofie Corneillie, Bart Ooghe, Cathérine Verleysen, Lieven Gerard, Lies Ledure, Veerle Verhasselt. - Ghent : Museum of Fine Arts Ghent, 2022
Guide de promenade : MSK à Gand / Sofie Corneillie, Bart Ooghe, Cathérine Verleysen, Lieven Gerard, Lies Ledure, Veerle Verhasselt. - Gand : Musée des Beaux-Arts Gand, 2022
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