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Medal of the International Exhibition for Industry and Labour in Torino in 1911, 1911

  • bronze
  • 59.7 mm
  • Inv. 1911-DX-1

Public Domain

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Public Domain

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On the obverse, this bronze award medal refers to the International Exhibition of Industry and Labour in Turin through the depiction of two men striking an anvil with a hammer, with the exhibition building in the background. The reverse shows a patriotic depiction of a naked man holding three upright rifles. He is accompanied by a winged angel and a man holding a flag. The trio is surrounded by garlands of flowers.


Enrico Saroldi VIAF
Carmagnola 1878 - Milan 1954

workshop / studio

Title Medal of the International Exhibition for Industry and Labour in Torino in 1911
Date 1911
Period 20th century
Location Milan TGN
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings below: TORINO / MCMXI ; ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE / DELLE INDVSTRIE / E DEL LAVORO
inscription, year and signature below: COMPIENDO MEZ - / ZO SECOLO DALLA / PROCLAMAZIONE / DEL REGNO / D'ITALIA ; SVL FASCIO DEL - / L'ARMI VITTO - / RIOSE > / 1861 - 1911 ; E.Saroldi ; S. JOHNSON
Collection medals AAT
Object type award medal
commemorative medals AAT
Inventory number 1911-DX-1
Acquisition credit gift
Société Gantoise des Amis de la Médaille
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300189808 figures (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11G angels Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31D14 adult man Iconclass
41A1 civic architecture; edifices; dwellings Iconclass
43B8 collection, exhibition, show Iconclass
44C11 patriotism Iconclass
46A17 working class, labourers Iconclass
46A170 Labour Iconclass
47 crafts and industries Iconclass
46E411 flags flown from a mast Iconclass
47B2111 heavy industry Iconclass
47D8(ANVIL) tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: anvil Iconclass
47D8(HAMMER) tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: hammer Iconclass
61E(TURIN) names of cities and villages (TURIN) Iconclass
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