Portrait of a Woman | MSK Gent
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Portrait of a Woman, 1663

  • oil paint, canvas
  • 89.6 x 71.2 cm
  • Inv. 1906-A

Public Domain

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Nicolaes Maes initially adhered to the style of his teacher Rembrandt van Rijn. He executed large biblical history paintings and later also started painting moralizing domestic scenes. After 1660 he devoted himself exclusively to painting portraits, developing an elegant and clear style, which anticipated the eighteenth century. This Portrait of a Woman stands out because of its extremely refined, detailed and delicate draughtsmanship and the play of light. Maes was very much in demand as a portrait painter of mundane elegance and applied himself to the adequate representation of the outer appearance, rather than to character studies.


Nicolaes Maes RKD
Dordrecht 1634 - Amsterdam 1693
painters (artists)AAT

Title Portrait of a Woman
Date 1663
Period 17th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signature and year left of centre: .AE.T. .67. / N. MAES. / A°. 1663.
Collection paintings AAT
Object type oil paintings (visual works) AAT
Inventory number 1906-A
Acquisition credit gift
The Friends of the Museum
Current whereabouts Work on display
Permalink https://mskgent.be/collection/work/data/1906-A
IIIF Manifest https://imagehub.mskgent.be/iiif/3/417/manifest.json
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300015637 portraits AAT
300189808 figures (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11Q511 the Bible as a book Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31D15 adult woman Iconclass
31D17 old woman Iconclass
41A721 chairs (furniture forms) Iconclass
41D1 fashion Iconclass
41D2 clothes, costume Iconclass
41D211 dress, gown Iconclass
41D221(CAP) head-gear: cap Iconclass
41D222(COLLAR) neck-gear: collar Iconclass
41D2664 ring Iconclass
61B11 anonymous historical person portrayed Iconclass
61B111 anonymous historical person portrayed alone Iconclass
61BB2 historical persons - BB - woman Iconclass
School / Style Baroque AAT
Museum van Schoone Kunsten : Catalogus ; Oude Meesters, Schilderstukken, teekeningen, plaatsneden (met geschiedkundig overzicht) / Maurice Dupuis, Georges Charles Nicolas Marie Hulin de Loo, Fritz Van Loo. - Gent : Drukkerij F. De Vos, 1938 ; Gent : Stad Gent, 1938 (p. 93)
Chefs-d'oeuvre du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand (exposition itinérante 'Quarante chefs-d'oeuvre du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand' Bruxelles, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 12 février - 6 mars 1949 ; Liège, 12 mars - 3 avril 1949 ; Luxembourg, 9 avril - 1 mai 1949 ; Lille, 14 mai - 12 juin 1949) / Georges Chabot, Paul Eeckhout. - Bruxelles : Editions de la Connaissance, 1949 (nr. 26)
Nicolaes Maes / Jan-Pieter Ballegeer. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.] (p. 90-91)
Nicolaes Maes / Jan-Pieter Ballegeer. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.] (p. 342, nr. 757)
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent / Robert Hoozee. - Brussel : Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 1988 (p. 61)
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent = Museum of Fine Arts Ghent / Claudie De Guillebon, Jacques Ostier, Robert Hoozee, Monique Tahon-Vanroose. - Parijs : Association des Amis de "Musées 2000", 1989 (p. 65 (ill. 137))
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent : Catalogus schilderkunst ; Deel I: 14de - 18de eeuw ; Deel II: 19de - 20ste eeuw / Robert Hoozee, Johan De Smet, Bruno Fornari, Ruth Monteyne. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2007 (dl. I, p. 121 (ill.))
Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent : De collectie (tentoonstelling vanaf 21 maart 2021) / Johan De Smet, Bart Ooghe, Frederica Van Dam, Lieven Van Den Abeele, Cathérine Verleysen. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2021
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand : La Collection (exposition dès le 21 mars 2021) / Johan De Smet, Bart Ooghe, Frederica Van Dam, Lieven Van Den Abeele, Cathérine Verleysen. - Gand : Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand, 2021
Do you have any suggestions, questions or information about this work?
Write us, collectie.msk@stad.gent