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Study day for Ghent museum guides: Navigating diversity


Since 2019, public-facing staff at ten museums in Ghent (STAM, Huis van Alijn, Museum of Industry, SMAK, MSK, Design, GUM, Museum Dr. Guislain, the World and Garden of Kina, Historische Huizen) have united as the TOP working group. In this learning network, the members’ common aim is to work and exchange knowledge on the themes of accessibility, outreach and participation.

In 2020 the TOP working group began using a methodology focusing on equal opportunities. Together with the city of Ghent’s Local Social Policy Service, the museums began a programme to address the issues of poverty, diversity and equal opportunities. Two clear action points emerged:

- to generate support in the Ghent museums for examining themes around diversity and inclusion;

- to work towards an inclusive policy towards guide staff.

As the first step towards a more inclusive staff policy for guides, the working group sent a broad survey to all guides working in Ghent museums so it could form a picture of the current staff population. The aim was to find out about the degree of diversity among guide staff and what kind of support and training was needed around the theme of diversity, including how to respond effectively to increasing diversity.

The Ghent museums joined forces to organise a study day for guides in the MSK on 7 February 2024. The guide teams devised their own learning goal: how to acknowledge and address diversity.

The day began with a keynote speech on inclusion in museums, followed by a series of inspiring workshops full of advice and suggestions that guides could use in practice. Hildegarde Van Genechten, an adviser for participation and education at the Flemish Institution for Cultural Heritage (FARO), rounded off the day. Her conclusions are set out below, and can also be found (in Dutch) on the FARO website:

De derde studiedag van GRACE werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door sponsors Circles Group, T&D Security en Belfius regio Brugge Oostende Knokke.