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Farmer Fight, ca. 1640 - 1680

  • etching, paper
  • 365 x 458 mm
  • Inv. 2015-MA

Public Domain

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A big brawl is going on in a pub. Peasants beat each other's heads with clubs, chairs and brooms. In the foreground, a man is stabbed with a knife. Women run outside, a maid flees via a ladder to the attic.


Cornelis I van Caukercken RKD
Antwerp 1626 - Bruges 1680

Jan Miense Molenaer RKD
Haarlem 1609 - 1610 - Haarlem 1668

Title Farmer Fight
Date ca. 1640 - 1680
Period 17th century
Medium and support etching AAT
Collection print room
Object type etching AAT
reproductive prints AAT
Inventory number 2015-MA
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300189808 figures (representations) AAT
300124520 interior views AAT
Keywords Iconclass 31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31D112 child Iconclass
31D11221 boy (child between toddler and youth) Iconclass
31D14 adult man Iconclass
31D15 adult woman Iconclass
33B3 fighting Iconclass
33B9 flight, running away; pursuing Iconclass
34B11 dog Iconclass
41A343 ladder Iconclass
41A711 table Iconclass
41A721 chairs (furniture forms) Iconclass
42F32(BROOM) (household) utensils and implements (BROOM) Iconclass
43B31 inn, coffee-house, public house, etc. Iconclass
45C13(SWORD) hacking and thrusting weapons: sword Iconclass
46A14 farmers Iconclass
48(+431) art (+ copy, copying ~ work of art) Iconclass
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