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The Music in the rue de Flandre, Ostend, 1890

  • etching, paper
  • 116 x 75 mm
  • Inv. 1998-B-83-2

Public Domain

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Between 1880 and 1917, the Ensor family lived on the corner of Vlaanderenstraat and Van Iseghemlaan in Ostend. It was here that Ensor created his most important works. From his studio, which was located under the tiled roof, he made various paintings, drawings and prints of the city. In 1889, for example, he depicted the Van Iseghemlaan and a year later the Vlaanderenstraat. In this last etching, entitled "The Music in the rue de Flandre, Ostend", he shows, again from a bird's eye view, the festive passage of a band in the street. The depiction is possibly based on the annual festivities around the so-called sea-wallowing in Ostend.


James Ensor RKD VIAF Wikidata
Ostend 1860 - Ostend 1949

Title The Music in the rue de Flandre, Ostend
Date 1890
Period 19th century
Location Ostend TGN
Medium and support etching AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signature and year top right: Ensor / 1890
signatures (names) bottom right: Ensor
inscription on the reverse: AT
inscription on the reverse: 20 / LD81 / [...] / Ensor / La musique à Ostende n°12 / T
Collection print room
Object type etching AAT
Inventory number 1998-B-83-2
Acquisition credit purchase
Taevernier, Auguste (coll.)
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300015571 cityscapes (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 41A housing Iconclass
41A1 civic architecture; edifices; dwellings Iconclass
41A14 urban housing Iconclass
43A(+2) festivities (+ parade, pageant, cavalcade ~ festive activities) Iconclass
44A3(+2) flag, colours (as symbol of the state, etc.) (+ nation; national) Iconclass
46A7 crowd, mob Iconclass
46B13 shop, store Iconclass
46B132 shop-window, show-window Iconclass
46E411 flags flown from a mast Iconclass
48C7 music Iconclass
48C75 making music; musician with instrument Iconclass
48C75614 brass band, street band Iconclass
48C78 listening to music Iconclass
61E(OSTEND) names of cities and villages (OSTEND) Iconclass
61F(RUE DE FLANDRES) names of historical buildings, sites, streets, etc. (RUE DE FLANDRES) Iconclass
School / Style realism (artistic form of expression) AAT
satire (artistic device) AAT
Henri Leys, Henri de Braekeleer, James Ensor / Loys Delteil. - Paris : Chez l'Auteur, 1925 (nr. 81)
James Ensor : Catalogue illustré de ses gravures ; Leur description critique et l'inventaire des plaques = Geïllustreerde catalogus van zijn gravures ; Hun kritische beschrijving en inventaris van de platen = Illustrated catalogue of his engravings ; Their critical description and inventary of the plates / Auguste Taevernier. - Ledeberg (Gent) : Erasmus Boekhandel bv Amsterdam, 1973 (nr. 83)
Hugo Claus, Con Amore (tentoonstelling Brussel, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, 28.02.2018 - 27.05.2018) / Marc Didden, Remco Campert, Hugo Claus, Kurt De Boodt, Bernard Dewulf. - Tielt : Uitgeverij Lannoo, 2018 ; Brussel : BOZAR BOOKS, 2018 (p. 154)
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