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Three Contemporaries

  • à la poupée, paper
  • 628 x 464 mm
  • Inv. 1957-AF

Public Domain

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The engraving by Albert Emmanuel Bertrand is based on the painting of the same name by Félicien Rops, Trois contemporains (Namur, Musée Félicien Rops). Presented are Arthur Stevens, Claire Rops-Demolder and Eugène Demolder.


Félicien Rops RKD VIAF Wikidata
Namur 1833 - Corbeil-Essonnes 1898

Albert Emmanuel Bertrand RKD
Paris 1854 - Paris 1912

Title Three Contemporaries
Period 20th century
Medium and support à la poupée AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings collector's mark bottom right
year bottom right: 1975
Collection print room
Object type à la poupée AAT
reproductive prints AAT
Inventory number 1957-AF
Acquisition credit gift
The Friends of the Museum
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300189808 figures (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31D14 adult man Iconclass
31D15 adult woman Iconclass
41D221(CAP) head-gear: cap Iconclass
41D221(HEADSCARF) head-gear (HEADSCARF) Iconclass
41D221(TOP HAT) head-gear: top hat Iconclass
48(+431) art (+ copy, copying ~ work of art) Iconclass
48A831 art dealer Iconclass
48C91 writer, poet, author Iconclass
48C93 portrait of a writer Iconclass
61B2 historical persons Iconclass
61B2(ARTHUR STEVENS) historical person (ARTHUR STEVENS) Iconclass
61B2(EUGÈNE DEMOLDER) historical person (EUGÈNE DEMOLDER) Iconclass
61BB2 historical persons - BB - woman Iconclass
61BB2(CLAIRE ROPS-DEMOLDER) historical person (CLAIRE ROPS-DEMOLDER) - BB - woman Iconclass
School / Style realism (artistic form of expression) AAT
Félicien Rops : Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre gravé et lithographié ; Tome I. Les lithographies ; Tome II - III: Les eaux-fortes / Eugène Rouir. - Bruxelles : Claude Van Loock, 1987-1992
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