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Evening in Normandy

  • oil paint, canvas
  • 45.9 x 68 cm
  • Inv. 1904-AA

Public Domain

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César De Cock RKD
Ghent 1823 - Ghent 1904
painters (artists)AAT

Title Evening in Normandy
Period 19th century
Location Normandy TGN
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) bottom right: César De Cock
Collection paintings AAT
Object type oil paintings (visual works) AAT
Inventory number 1904-AA
Acquisition credit purchase
Cercle Artistique et Littéraire de Gand
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300015636 landscapes AAT
300236227 townscapes (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 23R13 evening Iconclass
24A2 sunset Iconclass
24B moon as celestial body Iconclass
25F animals Iconclass
25F2 mammals Iconclass
25H1 landscapes in the temperate zone Iconclass
26A clouds Iconclass
300015636 landscapes AAT
34B11 dog Iconclass
41A16 rural housing, e.g. country-house, villa, cottage Iconclass
46A14 farmers Iconclass
46AA14 farmers - AA - female farmer, farmer's wife Iconclass
47I2112 cow Iconclass
47I213 sheep Iconclass
47I221 herding, herdsman, herdswoman, shepherd, shepherdess, cowherd, etc. Iconclass
61D(FRANCE) geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (names of cities and villages excepted) (FRANCE) Iconclass
61D(NORMANDY) geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. (names of cities and villages excepted) (NORMANDY) Iconclass
School / Style realism (artistic form of expression) AAT
Catalogus van het Museum van Schoone Kunsten Gent : II: Moderne Meesters / Georges Chabot, Fritz Van Loo. - Gent : Ad. Hoste, 1932 (p. 46)
Xavier & César De Cock (Fonds Richard de Moor). - [s.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.]
Cesar de Cock : de schoonheid van de stilte ; Deel II: Oeuvrecatalogus / Richard Comyn, Laura Van Wingen. - Gent : Snoeck, 2021 (p. 102, nr. 336)
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